Zeitgeist* of the Bear
We call him the Bear. He really looks like a bear, especially in winter. Constantly, something is blowing up loudly, he's choosing guardedly those who can be close, even those who want to help; he looks quite cool and dressed with taste. Sometimes, he does some sort of performances. And, the most important thing, he writes something in block letters.
Most likely, he, like most of the homeless, been threw out with the revolution of 1991th. The Soviet state was tired and has terminated a contract with its citizens. ''Go whereever you want, take a walk, a breathe of the fresh air''. Many of them went to emigration :some to geographical, others - to the inner.
In the letters to someone the Bear asked :'' God, why you took away a hockey, opera .. And ballet? You promised that it would always be with me. And Space ... Now it's clear what's Yura** was silent about. You are not there''.
The Leaders deceived the Bear, annulled all the papers that once they had signed together. He had only one majestic argument, the last of megaliths on which everything was kept. Literary myth.
*Zeitgeist - the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time.
**Yuriy Gagarin - was a Soviet pilot and cosmonaut. He was the first human to journey into outer space.

The action took place within the framework of the curatorial project of Yaroslav Futimsky's "Anxious Landscape". Lviv, district of Pogulianka Location, Honey Cave, 08/24/2017.
Copies of Bear's letters are scattered on the cave floor, in the hands of the original. Audio conferencing served as a recording of a press conference USSR 1991